Just The Facts: Updated Attendance Policy
For students in Fulton County Schools to learn and achieve to their fullest potential, it is critical they attend school and are engaged in the learning process. Student absences, whether excused or unexcused, impact a child’s ability to succeed in school.
FCS has implemented a new attendance notification process. Parents/guardians will be notified more often on absences, regardless of whether a student is excused or unexcused. Families will be notified of student absences via daily robocalls, emails, and texts. Students who accumulate multiple absences will receive letters to notify them of missed learning time, and staff will follow up with supportive strategies for families and students.
Elementary School students’ attendance is taken within the first hour of the instructional day to record who is physically present. Students must be present for half of the instructional day to be marked present for the day. Elementary attendance messages begin going out around 10:45 a.m. on the day of the absence.
Middle and High School students’ attendance is taken each period. Students must be present for 50% or more of the day to be marked present. Middle/High School messages begin going out around 4:30 p.m. on the day of the absence.
If a parent needs to excuse a student from attendance, notify the child’s school as soon as possible. The following must be included in a written note or email:
- Student Name
- Student FCS ID Number (lunch number)
- Parent/Guardian Name
- Parent/Guardian Email & Phone Number
- Reason for Excuse
Parents/guardians can monitor their child’s attendance using Infinite Campus. More detailed information about our attendance policy can be found here.